Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Which church to go to? The one that is in the Bible

Which church to go to? The one that is in the Bible
Church of God,God the Mother,Heavenly Mother

As one looks for a church for spiritual meaning and understanding, or for the correct and true way to worship and believe in God ?
and with there being so many options out in the world, where do you decide to go?
As almost every street corner has a religious establishment,
how can you decipher which one is the correct one?

The answer is simple: the church that follows the bible is the only one that we should enter.
Which church follows the bible? One’s answer might be something like this: “Don’t they all follow the bible?” That can be summed up in a simple lesson concerning the Sabbath Day.

Sabbath Day is the day that God set aside for His people from the beginning. This day is the seventh day of the week, a day of rest, blessings, and holiness (Gen. 2:1-3). According to scriptural reference this day never changed in the bible and was a command of God starting from Exodus 20. Christ who came as the fulfillment of the law in Mth 5:17., even stated that nothing shall change, not a letter or the least stroke of a pen until everything is accomplished. Meaning if we still live on earth, then which day of the week is still sacred after all this time? The Sabbath.

Typically considered Jewish, the new covenant Sabbath is not a day to bring a lamb, grain, or incense offering; no, Sabbath is the day that is a sign between God and His people (Exo. 31:13) who worship in Spirit and in Truth (Jn 4:23). This day never changed from apostolic ages on ?
it only changed when Roman Emperor Constantine abolished it in 321 AD making Sunday a holiday, the first day of the week. As the apostles stood firm, now we can decide for ourselves whether it is right to follow man’s teachings or God’s ? (Acts 5:29).

How is it that this Day has been re-established since Sunday worship has been so prevalent for centuries?
Because of Christ Ahnsahnghong we know this.
And because of Christ Ahnsahnghong we can worship in Spirit and in Truth again, bringing back the early church days kept by the apostles.
World Mission Society Church of God is where the truth of the new covenant Sabbath is kept both now and forever more.

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