Friday, October 7, 2011

WMSCOG the Bride in Revelation is not the church, but is Heavenly Mother

WMSCOG the Bride in Revelation is not the church, but is Heavenly Mother 
(Heavenly Mother/God the Mother /Church of God/Ahnsahnghong)
World Mission Society Church of God follows God the Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother New Jerusalem.

Throughout the Bible we come to see that there are words that have dual meanings. Such as water… at times it means baptism, others it means Holy Spirit, and others still it means this world. Or take for example the word lamb… at times it is referring to a physcial lamb, others it is in referance to the follows of God, and even at times referring to God Himself. When reading the Bible it IS necessary to always consider the context of what is being read.

Now, a popular arguement against Heavenly Mother being the bride is the common belief that every time we see bride or wife of Christ it is in referance to the church. Now, I want to clarify something… it IS true that there are instinces where the body of believers is referred to in this relationship with God of a husband and wife. HOWEVER, whenever this is taking place, the body of believers (whether Old Testament Israelite nation or New Testament disciples of Christ) being referred to as a wife of God it is in a negative connotation… the people have been an unfaithful bride, etc…

HOWEVER, the Bride in Revelation is shining with the glory of God. She is God and She is Our Mother.


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